Oklahoma classrooms nearly trumped
Teachers have much work to do, particularly those who teach civics (if in the curriculum) and American history. Grown men (mostly) in Oklahoma advocating for Bibles in schools in violation of the Constitution. Have we gone so far that what people choose to believe, whether true or not, is enough to propel action?
Democracy is frighteningly on the edge. Since 2016, millions of people have fallen under the charisma of one who waits for them at the bottom of a rabbit hole. His incoherent utterances, one after another, lies on top of lies, have put him there. Actually, he has taken himself there, as the bottom slithers lower and lower.
While teachers today may not be able to halt this plunging into what we can call an oblivion, they can prepare their students to become susceptible to the pull of rabbit holes, to detect misinformation and disinformation, and value knowing the truth. As Mark Twain said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
Schools have the responsibility to educate, to nurture thinkers, to teach basic principles of truth, and to value the responsibilities for living in our democracy. They need the public's support to accomplish it. A tough road ahead but one we must traverse to keep our democracy.