AI is here!
We might as well acknowledge that it is in our lives whether we choose to use it or not. The coming of AI is not a new threat to schools and universities. When the chalkboard was introduced, professors at Yale believed it would “ruin education.” When word processing arrived in the mid-80s, advocates for cursive lamented its demise. Students would not think well unless they wrote their first drafts in cursive. Even today, I hear strong advocates for cursive making similar arguments. The arrival of my Macintosh in the mid 80s freed me from the constraints of my poor handwriting and invited me to create and to revise, revise, revise with the touch of my two fingers. I would never have published six books without it!
Take a breath, and open yourself to AI. Explore it in your life, then move on to it in your work life. You will find a companion you can interact with. It is here to stay.